Final Journal

Part 1 – Achieved Learning Objectives (100 points)

At the close of our semester, you should have already gained knowledge and skills that embody the 7 learning objectives in our course syllabus. Discuss each of the course objectives that you have achieved, or areas embodied in the course objectives that have been strengthened in you; and, discuss the particular lessons, course materials, learning activities that enabled you to achieve the objective.
To enable students to express understanding of the value of effective speech communication in their personal, academic and professional undertakings;
    There have been many discussions in our class concerning the value of speech, yet one truth remains with me from the discussion. Speech is the medium in which thoughts, views, ideas, emotions, and opinions are expressed. Being able to effectively communicate thoughts, views, ideas, emotions, and opinions is the most important aspect of the spread on knowledge and ultimately learning.

    In both speeches we did we were required to apply the principles of effective speech. In the informative speech, it was important to speak effectively to create interest in your particular topic and derive a sense of importance. In the persuasive speech and debates, the students that prepared and presented information clearly were able to support their arguments, making them more persuasive.

    All people suffer from anxiety in one way or an other. For some it may be with things other than speeches. That was not the case for me. I have always been quiet and I still get nervous before speeches but the course has definitely helped partially alleviate some of that anxiousness. I have started to answer questions in class and have become more confident in my answers and in my self.

    Part 2 (100 points)

    What factors on your part as a student have helped you in achieving the learning objectives and any other development from the course (such as your own efforts given to the course, work ethics, dedication, diligence, determination personal goals, drive and enthusiasm, unavoidable, unexpected circumstances)? Please, explain.

    1. What factors on the part of the instructor helped you in achieving the course objectives? (i.e., instructor’s teaching style, knowledge, professionalism, course materials; required tasks, communication style, attitude, etc.)

    2. What inner transformations, ethical and personal values, traits and personality development have you gained through the course of your learning in this class?

    3. If you are to describe your overall experience in this course, how will you describe your experience? Why?

    4. Comments/Suggestions
    The main factors that have helped, myself as a student, would be diligence, drive, and my personal work ethics. When I had an assignment I would work on it until it was done. True I did procrastinate, but still I would work on what ever major assignment or speech I had to do and it would be done on time. The nature of the assignments was particularly useful in gaining a better understanding of the material at hand, and was the greatest benefit received from the instructor.