Zack Ridall The benefits of Games

General Purpose: To inform

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience on the benefits of video games, outlining both physical and mental aspects

Central Idea: Video games can have a positive impact of a person mental and physical abilities


I. How would you describe a gamer?...

II. Video games have a positive impact of society

III. Through research and experience

IV. All have played a games...


  1. Games that for training.

  2. Physical benefits

  3. Mental Benifits



I. Games Applied to Real life

(Internal Preview: What's included in main point 1)

A. Simulators

1. The purpose of simulators

a. Benefits

b. Uses

2. Different types

a. Flight Simulators

b. Space Simulators

c. Combat Simulators

d. Other Simulators

(TRANSITION:) The benefits of simulators are evident, but just how do games influence a person ability to succeed in a simulation and ultimately in real life scenarios

II. Physical Benifits

(Internal Preview of SPs)

A. “Gamer Reflexes”

1. Increase in reflexes

2. Why it increases Reflexes

B. Visual Recognition

1. Increase in ability to perceive

2. Why

C. The Wii and a new outlook on games

a. Eye hand coordination

b. Wii Fit

(Internal Summary of SPs

(TRANSITION:) Physical benefits are good , but college is a place for learning? How do games help that?

  1. Effect on Learning

    1. Literacy

    2. Problem solving

    3. Social skills

    4. School based subjects

(Internal Summary of SPs)



A. Games that for training.

  1. Physical benefits

C. Mental Benfits (learning)

II. Though video games do sometimes take critisim from the general public I believe the truth of games has been revealed.


Use Complete Citations (in APA or MLA format) of sources that you will cite verbally in your speech delivery. Be specific and complete with all citations. Include person’s name and title for an interview or number of people (50 students) for a survey, also include when, and where the interview or survey was conducted.

Works Cited

"Benefits of Video Games -." Associated Content - Web. 18 Sept. 2009. <>.

Brenner, Mory, John C. Beck, and Mitchell Wade. The Kids are Alright How the Gamer Generation is Changing the Workplace. New York: Harvard Business School, 2006. Print.

Eberly, J. L., M. K. Rand, and T. O'Connor. "Analyzing Teachers' Dispositions towards Diversity: Using Adult Development Theory." Multicultural Education 14.4 (2007): 31-36. Print.

The Energy Information Administration, and James Paul Gee. What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. Print.

Gaming, Simulations and Society Research Scope and Perspective. New York: Springer, 2004. Print.